Limited Edition Print (Series #1)

An exclusive series of twenty-six single edition letterpress prints. The prints are composed from antique wooden type and locked up on a manually-operated proofing press. The type is then hand-inked and a single print pulled onto deep-dyed, lightfast coloured card. The age of the wooden type blocks, and the hand-inking process, mean that appealing textures and imperfections are reproduced in the finished prints and no two impressions are the same. A different card colour is used for each print, which is signed, numbered and stamped, making every edition unique.

Limited Edition Print (Series #1)


Railton Press is the small letterpress print studio of London-based graphic designer Peter Gibbons. Using reclaimed and renovated antique manual presses, Pete prints with a small collection of wood and metal type, lino blocks, and any other interesting objects that fit on the presses without breaking them. -------------------------------------- PUBLICATIONS: • Small Printer, The British Printing Society Magazine • Pressing Matters, Modern Printmaking Magazine • Message, Journal of Graphic Communication Design Research, University of Plymouth Press EXHIBITIONS: • Small But Mighty, Royal Society of Painter-Printmakers, Bankside, London • A Show of Hands, Bath Spa University • New Impressions, Hamilton Printing Museum USA SHORT FILM: • Two Minutes of Type, St Bride Library SHORT TALK: • Letterpress in the Time of Covid, St Bride Library --------------------------------------


For commissions, collaborations and any other enquiries please email Railton Press: